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Like many people, I use visual art as a means to express myself. Quiet by nature, words don't always come naturally for me. Because of this, I've found it's easier to show people what I mean instead.

I have a strong foundation in illustration, though I studied 3D Animation in college - despite not having experience in it beforehand. I chose 3D because of my captivation with its unique form of expression. It was one that I'd never had the opportunity to sink my hands into. It is characteristic of me to get swept away by previously undiscovered concepts or ways of thinking. So easily do I get captivated by new styles, that I've found my own aesthetic to be undefinable; malleable; dynamic.

Yet one thing has stayed consistent throughout all that I've created - my passion for visual storytelling and the process of learning.


Sometimes I feel like a chameleon. I vary my style so often because of my ever-changing interests, that I have a hard time distinguishing myself in this ocean of art. Or jungle. Chameleons can't swim - and frankly, neither can I.